You might need a coach

“Those who can’t do, teach…?”

Joshua Dance
2 min readOct 4, 2022

Coaches are slightly confusing. Oftentimes they cannot do what their charges do, but they help the people they coach to be much more effective. So why is coaching so effective?

There are 3 parts to coaching:

  1. Clarify what you want.
  2. Map out an action plan to get what you want.
  3. Supporting you to the realization of the vision, dream, or goal.

Considering you can do all of this, without a coach, why are coaches effective? A few ideas…

1. Clarify what you want.

Most people don’t know what they want. Or they are too embarrassed to acknowledge it. Having a 3rd party perspective can be helpful.

Just having someone else validate what you want is enough to start moving towards it. A CEO coach telling a CEO ‘Yes double your revenue this year is a good goal!’ can be enough validation to consider that a valid goal.

2. Map out an action plan to get what you want.

Coaches can help her because they have seen multiple people already achieve your goal. A personal trainer has seen people like you, knows some of the pitfalls etc.

